Much Anticipated Pelham Parkway Construction Finally Begins

The much-anticipated project to reconstruct Pelham Parkway has finally started, much to the inconvenience of local residents.

Phase one of the NYC Department of Design and Construction plan to repair sections of Pelham Parkway officially got underway on Wednesday, March 2 after months of delay. The project was originally slated to begin in the summer of 2010.

After a series of severe snow storms this winter continued to keep construction on hold, the DDC finally began their $36 million project with sewer work on Pelham Parkway South between Eastchester and Williamsbridge roads, and will be working on the Pelham Parkway main roadway from the Bronx River Parkway to the Hutchinson River Parkway, as well as the Pelham Parkway South and North service roads.

CAC Industries, a Long Island-based contractor, will be jumping around sections of the parkway performing roadway and sidewalk construction, as well as catch basins replacement, sewers, water mains hydrants, curbs, pedestrian ramps, traffic lights and new trees.

The construction will proceed on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. and local residents are concerned about the traffic and lack of parking spaces that might occur throughout the long construction process, which is projected to end during the fourth quarter of 2012.

“It’s going to be very inconvenient to our residents as well as those who travel and work near Pelham Parkway,” said Jeremy Warneke, district manager of Community Board 11. “We’re very excited about what is being done on Pelham Parkway, but were talking about a heavy traffic increase and an inconvenient loss of parking spaces.”

‘No parking’ signs were posted as early as Thursday, February 25, and as a result, parking will be restricted during working hours and the DDC urges residents to fully utilize their driveways and garages if they have them to free-up more curb-side parking that will not be affected during the construction.

Craig Chin, public information officer of the DDC, urges residents to be patient with the construction process because it will ultimately pay-off for the Pelham Parkway community once it is complete.

“Just like in any other construction process, we understand that the work being done will be frustrating and eliminate many parking spaces,” Chin said. “We will make sure that residents are notified in advance when and where construction and parking regulations will be taking place in order to help people find alternatives.”

The DDC hopes to have the renovations complete as soon as possible and if any residents have concerns or questions, they may contact the DDC’s community construction liason office at (718) 829-0128.