Resources and Books to Help Parents Educate Themselves on Racism

Courtesy of Michael Carlo.

By Donna Duarte-Ladd

Whether you actively talk about racism in your home or realize that you have never really broached the subject, the United States, is frankly dealing with huge racial issues. Unfortunately, these injustices span multiple generations. With the recent death of George Floyd, the latest fatality in the many senseless deaths of black men and women from police brutality — our country has erupted in a fury. It was already a vulnerable time with living amid a pandemic, and now, a string of racial inequalities in just two weeks. We have seen (wrongfully) black people die or simply not be able to peacefully walk down the street.

As parents, for the sake of our children’s future, we must first look within ourselves for change. Moving judgment aside, we all have work to do, and if you wish to broaden your understanding of our black community, here are resources and tips that are a helpful starting point. 

Where to Start

Kristy Leder of Education For Progress shares, “Begin by examining your own ideas and biases. We have ALL been raised in a system that has perpetuated systematic racism and oppression. We as parents and teachers have to begin to unpack that and undo that within ourselves before we can teach our children.” 

Start sharing on your Facebook page and social media resources that you are utilizing or reading. If you have a large following in social media, share what you know to help benefit other parents. “It is important that we speak up against what is happening in our country and sharing anti-racism resources. It is important that we acknowledge their (black community) pain and not be silent,” says New York City mom Tricia Savino.

Read, Study, and Listen

How to Be An Anti-Racist“-Iram X Kendi

White Fragility“- Robin Di Angelo

Pushout-The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools“- Monique Morris

So You Want To Talk About Race“- Ijeoma Oluo

Me and White Supremacy“- Layla Saad

Between The World And Me“- Ta-Nehisi Coates

This Book Is Anti Racist – 20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do The Work“- Tiffany Jewell

Webinar of Spiritual Activism 101-Anti Racism by Racial Justice Educator Rachel Ricketts

The Conscious Kid– Parenting and Education through a Critical Race Lens

Please feel free to email us at with any book suggestions or webinar subjects on race that you’d like us to share with the New York Family Community. #blacklivesmatter

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