AFGE YOUNG Women’s Empowerment Gala

AFGE YOUNG Women’s Empowerment Gala|AFGE YOUNG Women’s Empowerment Gala|AFGE YOUNG Women’s Empowerment Gala|AFGE YOUNG Women’s Empowerment Gala
Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin

The American Federation of Government Employees 2nd District YOUNG hosted its second annual Women’s Empowerment Event on Friday, March 15 at Kingsbridge VA Hospital.

(l-r) Vanessa Barrow, Congressman Adriano Espaillat and Jennifer Ramirez.
Photo by Miriam Quin

Featuring a ‘Beautifully Made’ theme, this year’s all-black attire event was held in solidarity with the #MeToo Movement.

Congressman Espaillat (back, 3rd from r) with American Federation of Government Employees.
Photo by Miriam Quin

Espaillat (back, c) and American Federation of Government Employees stood in solidarity with the #MeToo Movement.
Photo by Miriam Quin