AOC, Bernie Sanders rally with Bowman ahead of primary election

Hundreds of supporters — including U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders — rallied in support of incumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman ahead of the hotly contested Democratic primary in New York's 16th Congressional District on Saturday, June 22.
Hundreds of supporters — including U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders — rallied in support of incumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman ahead of the hotly contested Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District on Saturday, June 22.
Photo Gabriele Holtermann

In a last-ditch effort to get out the vote for incumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and avoid an upset in the hotly contested Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District on Tuesday, June 25, Democratic Socialists and left political heavyweights U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came out in support of Bowman at a rally at St. Mary’s Park in Mott Haven on Saturday.

Bowman, an early critic of Israel’s war on Gaza, is behind in the polls against Westchester County Executive George Latimer by 17% in one of the most expensive primaries in history. So far, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee  (AIPAC) has spent more than $14 million on attack ads and messaging to defeat the 48-year-old incumbent and former school teacher.

Congressman Jamaal Bowman speaks to a crowd of supporters.Photo Gabriele Holtermann

Addressing the crowd of hundreds, Bowman, who had called the Oct. 7 rapes “propaganda” but apologized for the comment last week, said Latimer was only in the race with the backing of AIPAC because Bowman had called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, a position he doubled-down on at the rally.

“We are not going to stand silent while U.S. tax dollars kill babies and women and children,” said Bowman, accusing his opponent and AIPAC of destroying the democracy. “It is on all of us to save our democracy and save our collective humanity because this race, this race is about our collective humanity.”

Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez said she was tired of corporate lobby buying up Black and brown communities, selling them to the highest bidder.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks in support of U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman on June 22.Photo Gabriele Holtermann

“We all know what the stakes are here,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “We have enormous outside influence. They’re trying to buy our representation because they don’t like who we chose to represent us. But we know that the person that is best suited to represent New York’s 16th District is Jamaal Bowman.”

Senator Sanders stressed the importance of voting for Bowman in Tuesday’s election.

“What is going to take place on Tuesday is enormously important. They got the money, we got the people,” Sanders said. “So in the next four days, do everything you can, knock on doors, get on the phone. Let us have a great voter turnout. Let’s show the billionaire class they cannot defeat us. Let’s win this election.”

Bronx resident Evelyn Bunbury attended the rally in support of Bowman even though she doesn’t live in his district.

“I do believe in [Bowman’s] policies and what he’s out to do for the people,” Bunbury said.

U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman has the support of Sen. Bernie Sanders and U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.Photo Gabriele Holtermann

Eva Borgwardt, a Brooklyn resident, questioned why Democratic leadership wasn’t rallying behind Bowman, defending him from attacks from what Brogwardt said were mostly Republican donors.

“I’m glad that Bernie is here,” Borgwardt said. “I wish the rest of the Democratic Party was rallying behind Jamal in this way. AIPAC is attacking a Democratic incumbent in a way that should be unacceptable.”

Elected officials such as state Sen. Jabari Brisport (D-Brooklyn), Assemblymember Emily Gallagher (D-Brooklyn) and New York Public Advocate Jumaane Williams attended the rally in solidarity with Bowman.

“I’m here because Jamaal Bowman has stood up for truth and justice and peace since he’s been in office and we have to make sure people like that can stay in office,” Brisport told the Bronx Times.

Supporters of incumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman braved the heat to attend a rally in Mott Haven on June 22.Photo Gabriele Holtermann

Gallagher attended the rally to show her support for Bowman and AOC because they shared her vision “for a better life for working people.”

When asked why Bowman’s opponent Latimer was pouring an exorbitant amount of money into the race, Gallagher told the Bronx Times, “I think it shows what a threat Jamaal Bowman is to the status quo. But I think it’s an important moment for politics, for us to really have an opportunity to say, which side are you on?”

Williams emphasized it was important to get Bowman re-elected.

“He’s actually what we need. He’s a person who wants to include everyone,” Williams said.

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