BP Diaz Hosts Black History Month Awards Gala

BP Diaz Hosts Black History Month Awards Gala|BP Diaz Hosts Black History Month Awards Gala|BP Diaz Hosts Black History Month Awards Gala|BP Diaz Hosts Black History Month Awards Gala|BP Diaz Hosts Black History Month Awards Gala|BP Diaz Hosts Black History Month Awards Gala
Photo by Fernando Justiniano|Photo by Fernando Justiniano|Photo by Fernando Justiniano|Photo by Fernando Justiniano|Photo by Fernando Justiniano|Photo by Fernando Justiniano

In honor of Black History Month, Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. toasted a few African American leaders at his annual Black History Month Awards Gala on Wednesday, February 13 at the Grand American Ballroom. This year’s honorees included 32BJ SEIU deputy political director Candis Tolliver; Consortium for Worker Education director of operations Robert Medlock and Jonathan Hicks Award recipient Rafael Camilo, JP Morgan Chase & Co. vice president senior event producer.

Candis Tolliver graciously accepted her citation of merit from Borough President Diaz (r) and Rob Nelson, WABC-TV.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

Robert Medlock (c) proudly accepted his citation of merit from Diaz (r) and Rob Nelson.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

Rafael Camilo (c) was presented with the prestigious Jonathan Hicks Memorial Award.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

(l-r) Betty McCray; Larcenia Walton; Deputy Borough President Marricka Scott-McFadden; Neva Shillingford-King, 1199 SEIU executive vice president and Councilman Andy King.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

Diaz (l) and Tamat Ogburn discussed the impact of God’s Love We Deliver.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano