Bronx continues to see 200-a-day COVID-19 case increases

COVID-19 numbers continue to steadily rise in the Bronx, according to the latest.
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Entering Monday, Bronx County has reached 13,481 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with a seven-day average of 285 newly confirmed cases per day, according to the state’s recent health data.

On Sunday, the Bronx reported 285 new COVID-19 cases, according to state data.

In New York City’s northernmost borough, roughly 55% of Bronx residents — 785,128 people —  have received at least one dose of the vaccine, which is the lowest among the five boroughs.

According to COVID Act Now, the Bronx has the highest vulnerability rate to COVID-19, a metric based on economic and physical challenges as well as predicted time of recovery from COVID-19.

The Bronx has reported having 435 staffed adult ICU beds, with 238 filled by non-COVID patients and just 12 filled by COVID patients.

The Wakefield/Edenwald 10466 and Hunts Point 10464 zip codes are among the lowest vaccinated areas in the city, with a one-dose rate of only 46%.

On Tuesday, New York City’s first-in-the-nation indoor vaccine mandate Key to NYC goes in effect and will require customers and employees to provide proof of vaccination for entry into indoor entertainment, dining and recreational venues.

Failure to comply with the vaccine mandate will trigger $1,000 fines, beginning Sept. 13, when patrons must show proof of at least one vaccination dose.

Fines will increase for repeat offenses.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said during a briefing on Monday that individuals who provide a fake vaccination card to gain entry into indoor establishments will be prosecuted as fraud.

“A fake vaccination card constitutes fraud and will be prosecuted as fraud by that individual,” said Dr. David Chokshi, NYC health commissioner. “We will have recourse for people to report if they are encountering fake vaccination cards, both at the city level through 311 as well as through the state attorney general’s office.”

Reach Robbie Sequeira at or (718) 260-4599. For more coverage, follow us on Twitter @bronxtimes and Facebook @bronxtimes.