Celebrities team up to host Bronx holiday toy drive

A little boy holds a Hess Truck he received at the toy giveaway. The First Responders Children's Foundation, with the FDNY and NYPD, hosted the FDNY EMT Yadira Arroyo Memorial Toy Giveaway in the Bronx on Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2020.
Photo courtesy Danielle Parhizkaran

Please join us on Tuesday, Dec. 20 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Storefront Academy Charter School’s South Bronx campus, located at 609 Jackson Ave. for a toy drive hosted by multiple celebrities.

In attendance will be Evan Neal, an offensive tackle for the New York Giants NFL team who was selected 7th overall by the team in the 2022 draft. Also at the drive will be New York County Acting Supreme Court Justice J. Machelle Sweeting, “Orange is the New Black” actor Jimmy Gary Jr., up-and-coming R&B and hip hop artist Lashon Da Golden Child, and owner of SGN Management Shelia Gary Neal.

The group is proving love for their native borough, the Bronx.

This time of year can come with anxiety and pressure for parents who are already doing everything they can to make ends meet. This is their way to be a part of a community that makes our students’ holiday season brighter.

If you are interested in learning more about Storefront Academy Charter Schools, please visit our website at www.storefrontacademycs.org.