Bronx House Celebrate Rock Climbing Wall Donation

Bronx House Celebrate Rock Climbing Wall Donation|Bronx House Celebrate Rock Climbing Wall Donation
Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico

WellCare Health Plans donated $5,000 to Bronx House during a Monday, March 28 check presentation to aid in constructing the Pelham Parkway community’s first state-of-the-art rock climbing wall and to support other fitness-related events at Bronx House’s gymnasium. Deputy Borough President Aurelia Green and more than 50 Bronx House after school program children were present for last week’s prestigious ceremony. The Bronx House Rock Climbing Wall is the result a grant, contributions from community-conscious partners such as WellCare of New York, Monroe College, Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office, UJA-Federation of New York’s Sports for Youth Program and individual donors.

(l-r) Leon Davis, Bronx House Children and Family Services director; Lawrence Cassar, WellCare Health Plans Field Sales and Marketing director; Deputy Borough President Greene; Joiel Ray-Alexander, WellCare Health Plans care coordinator and Doris Quinones, Bronx House director of development.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico