Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day

Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day|Bronx Students Participate In National School Walkout Day
Photo courtesy of Sistas and Brothas United/NWBCCC|Photo by Denar Ralph|Photo by Eliza Vega|Photo by Fernando Justiniano|Photo by Fernando Justiniano|Photo by Jackina Farshtey|Photo by Janelle Wilborne|Photo by Janelle Wilborne|Photo courtesy of Cardinal Hayes High School|Photo courtesy of Holy Family School|Photo courtesy of Sistas and Brothas United/NWBCCC

In showings of national unity, students from around the borough took part in the National School Walkout on Wednesday, March 14 to protest gun violence in schools. Over 3,000 schools across the United States took part in the protest scheduled exactly one month after the Parkland, FL school massacre.

Mount St. Michael Academy students engaged in a symbolic walk in solidarity with the victims of gun violence.
Photo by Denar Ralph

One World Middle School students held up homemade signs and let their voices be heard.
Photo by Eliza Vega

The Cardinal Spellman Student Government speakers read aloud the names of the 17 Parkland shooting victims at the somber event.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

Spellman students rallied together to demand an end to school shootings.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

Cardinal Hayes students held up signs memorializing the 17 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students and teachers as each one was read aloud.
Photo by Jackina Farshtey

One World Middle School students had a moment of silence to remember the Parkland victims.
Photo by Janelle Wilborne

An One World Middle School student held a sign protesting gun violence.
Photo by Janelle Wilborne

Cardinal Hayes students held a moment of silence during their school’s Walkout Day.
Photo courtesy of Cardinal Hayes High School

Holy Family School eighth graders honored the fallen angels of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School by creating memorial angels. The angels will be on display in the school lobby.
Photo courtesy of Holy Family School

Many students wore shirts demanding for better mental health services for troubled students.
Photo courtesy of Sistas and Brothas United/NWBCCC