‘Standing on Their Shoulders’: Bronx Triangle, Inc. honors accomplishments of Bronx women

Gloria Bent Dietitian at Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics with Karen Skinner at the awards breakfast ceremony entitled “Standing on Their Shoulders Honoring Phenomenal Women.”
Gloria Bent Dietitian at Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics with Karen Skinner at the awards breakfast ceremony entitled “Standing on Their Shoulders Honoring Phenomenal Women.”
Photo Miriam Quinones

The Bronx Triangle, Inc. organization that supports education and public service hosted an awards breakfast ceremony entitled “Standing on Their Shoulders Honoring Phenomenal Women.”

Debra Tirado was honored at the awards breakfast ceremony entitled “Standing on Their Shoulders Honoring Phenomenal Women”. She poses with her family and friends, Gloria Bent , Cheryl Johnson, Anaheim Johnson,Olivia Webber, Debra G. Tirado, Kevin Lincoln, Connie Greene, Patricia Lincoln, Serafin Tirado and Maddison Tirado.
Debra Tirado was honored at the awards breakfast ceremony entitled “Standing on Their Shoulders Honoring Phenomenal Women”. She poses with her family and friends, Gloria Bent , Cheryl Johnson, Anaheim Johnson, Olivia Webber, Debra G. Tirado, Kevin Lincoln, Connie Greene, Patricia Lincoln, Serafin Tirado and Maddison Tirado. Photo Miriam Quinones

The event honored accomplishments and achievements for those who go beyond the call of duty, on Saturday, March 2, at Eastwood Manor in the Bronx.

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