Bronxites Remember Happy Land Victims

Bronxites Remember Happy Land Victims|Bronxites Remember Happy Land Victims|Bronxites Remember Happy Land Victims|Bronxites Remember Happy Land Victims|Bronxites Remember Happy Land Victims|Bronxites Remember Happy Land Victims
Photo by Kasey Rodriguez|Photo by Kasey Rodriguez|Photo by Kasey Rodriguez|Photo by Kasey Rodriguez|Photo by Kasey Rodriguez|Photo by Kasey Rodriguez

Relatives and friends joined Community Board 6 on Monday, March 25 to commemorate the 29th anniversary of the Happy Land Social Club Fire, a devastating inferno which tore through an illegal two-story night club at 1959 Southern Boulevard and claimed the lives of 87 party goers.

Firefighters from the 48th station house were procession members as they were the first responders during the fire.
Photo by Kasey Rodriguez

The somber ceremony began with an evening Mass dedicated to the victims at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

Families, friends and others marched from St. Thomas Aquinas Church to the Plaza of the Eighty-Seven with a larger-than-life Rosary.
Photo by Kasey Rodriguez

Following the service, a procession traveled to the Plaza of the Eighty-Seven, a memorial honoring the victims located just across the street from the former night club for a Rosary and candlelight vigil.

Flowers, candles and offerings for the victims were left at the monument’s base.
Photo by Kasey Rodriguez

Fr. Librado Godinez, St. Thomas Aquinas Church pastor, blessed the Plaza of the Eighty-Seven.
Photo by Kasey Rodriguez

Flowers, crosses, glasses, candles and lanterns adorned the Happy Land Social Club Fire Monument.
Photo by Kasey Rodriguez