Capturing The Bronx Opening Reception

Capturing The Bronx Opening Reception|Capturing The Bronx Opening Reception|Capturing The Bronx Opening Reception
Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone

The opening reception for the ‘Capturing the Bronx: Bronx Photographers Explore Bronx Neighborhoods’ was held on Friday, May 19 at Metropolitan College of New York’s Bronx Community Commons Second Floor.

A group exhibition by the Bronx Photographers Collaborative, the visually stunning display features masterful works from local photographers Mitch Bleier, Silvia Blemenfeld, Dinorah Capota, Carol Foresta, Clarisel Gonzalez, Evelyn Katz, Debby Kawalick, Alex Krstevski, Fernan Luna, Eileen McNamee, Ira Merritt, Walter Pofeldt and Miriam Quin.

(l-r) Exhibited photographers Fernan Luna, Clarisel Gonzalez, Mitch Bleier, Walter Pofeldt, Dinorah Capota, Sorin Capota, Eileen McNamee, Miriam Quin and Lora Frisch.
Photo by Laura Stone

The exhibit runs until Tuesday, August 15.

Photographer Walter Pofeldt exhibited his work, ‘Fire Escape/No Escape’ at the gallery.
Photo by Laura Stone