CB10 appoints six new board members

Community Board 10 recently inducted six new additions to its roster of board members.

The six additions, who were appointed to the board in May, join 19 other members who were reappointed and 25 members who are in mid-appointment.

The six board members were selected out of a group of over 35 individuals who applied to Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.’s office.

The appointees are Evelyn Torres, Joe Boiko, Thomas Accomondo, Alexis Henry, Dr. Alvin Ponder and youth appointment Jon-Michael Provetto, who become the first CB10 youth appointment following the passing of a City Council bill back in June that allowed 16- and 17-year olds to be appointed to community boards.

The other five members were recommended by either Councilman Andy King or Councilman James Vacca in a group that includes doctors, lawyers, professors and educators.

The new inductees will serve as members of the board for the next two years and will join at least two of the board’s committees along with taking on other board responsibilities, according to CB10 chairman Martin Prince.

“These six new members make up a very energetic, proactive and diverse group, which will add to an even bigger diverse group with makes up our community board,” Prince said. “My goal and hope is that this new group will bring new energy, ideas and ways of thinking to the board as we look towards important issues and topics that we as a board can pursue together.”

For the next two years, the CB10’s newest members will attend board meetings and take on various community issues such as noise complaints and zoning.

They will also have the opportunity to vote on local liquor license applications and donate their time to other board-related activities.

“As a pastor’s daughter, community involvement has always been in my veins,” said appointee Evelyn Torres, who runs her own non-profit organization, Foxy Families, along with her involvement in the board’s Veterans and Parks and Recreation Committee. “So far, it has been an interesting experience and it’s truly a blessing to be a part of a group that is just as dedicated to helping their community as I am. Martin (Prince) has been wonderful to learn from and I am proud and honored to have him as our chairman.”

“I’ve always been involved in the community, but being a part of the board gives me more of a connection and a direct link to issues, which allows me to face issues head on with their assistance,” said Jon-Michael Provetto, CB10’s first youth appointee, who has not let the responsibilities take away from his academics.

“Martin Prince has been a great help to me and I feel very comfortable learning under him,” he concluded.

Reach Reporter Steven Goodstein at (718) 260-4599. E-mail him at sgoodstein@cnglocal.com.