CB11 provides alternate locations for planned Stillwell Ave. shelter

The future site for a shelter coming to CB 11
Photo by Jason Cohen

A developer wants to construct a six-story 200-bed single men’s shelter near private homes and schools that will cost the city $3.5 million a year. Needless to say, residents and elected officials are not pleased.

In a Hail Mary attempt to not have a shelter at 1682 Stillwell Ave., Community Board 11 Chair Al D’Angelo sent a letter last week to the Department of Social Services offering alternate locations for the facility.

The board is advocating for 1956 Birchall Ave., which sits on 23,013 square feet and can easily accommodate 35,000 square feet with cellar space. This property is owned by Jimjor Corporation.

Additionally, the site is at the foot of a subway stop and not near schools or homes and can be developed quickly, as there is no acquisition period and the owner can start immediately with plans.

On Jan. 21, James Jordan, owner of Jimjor Corporation and D’ Angelo, executed a letter of intent where Jordan would work with Community Board 11 and all other governing agencies towards providing a 200 bed single adult shelter. Jimjor Corporation is open to a lease under $2.8 million.

Other proposed sites are: 1901 Amethyst Street, a mostly vacant lot and the board has met with the owner, 1915 White Plains Road, as of right build and the owner has scheduled a meeting with the board, 900 Arnow Ave., as of right build, owner has scheduled a meeting with the board and potential for 140 beds and 500-508 Van Nest Ave. and a meeting is pending.

In December, Councilman Mark Gjonaj was told the shelter was coming to CB 11. It is being developed by the Lantern Group and is anticipated to open in late 2021. The property is an old auto body shop and will be converted into a 6-story building with 30 units.