Community Board 4 offers letter of support for Jerome Playground South Skate Park construction

Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 1.03.21 PM
A rendering of what the skate park at Jerome Playground will look like.
Photo courtesy of NYC Parks

The Bronx will soon get a new skate park for members of the community to skate, scooter and ride their bikes.

Community Board 4 unanimously offered a letter of support Tuesday night for the Jerome Playground South Skate Park construction.

With a $2.4 million allocation from Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Councilman Fernando Cabrera, the city will construct a new skate park at Jerome Playground South. The project began in November 2019 and is expected to be completed this winter.

A rendering of what the skate park at Jerome Playground will look like. Courtesy of NYC Parks

This project will demolish the existing handball courts and construct a new skate park in its place. It will include concrete and steel structures, railings, curbs, walls and ramps. The skate park will also have new benches, sidewalks and pavements and a perimeter fence. Additionally, there will be new drinking fountains and hydrants, as well as a complete drainage system overhaul.

Mitch Jensen of the Parks Department told the community board that Parks met with local skateboarders, who stressed they wanted a skate park for all types of users. Jensen noted the goal is to establish an open park with spectator seating, where people feel safe.

“It will really cater to skateboarders and bikers of all levels of expertise,” Jensen said.

Overall, the board was impressed and feels it will benefit the community.

“This looks amazing, very impressive,” said Board Member Anthony Nacerino.