Costumed crustaceans flock to marine march

Costumed crustaceans flock to marine march|Costumed crustaceans flock to marine march|Costumed crustaceans flock to marine march|Costumed crustaceans flock to marine march|Costumed crustaceans flock to marine march
Photos by Silvio Pacifico|Silvio J. Pacifico|Silvio J. Pacifico|Silvio J. Pacifico|Silvio J. Pacifico

Hunts Point kicked off summer by wading through the neighborhood at the 11th Annual Fish Parade on Sat., June 21. Parade-goers decked out in marine garb marched from Riverside Park to Barretto Point Park, where a festival was set up on the shores of the East River with music, vendors, and art workshops. Modeled after Brooklyn’s Coney Island Mermaid Parade, the Bronx’s seawater-themed celebration — far superior! — was founded in 1993. It’s been fishy in the right way ever since.

Liz Martinez, with her daughters Izobella and Julliette, sells hats and T-shirts at Barretto Park.
Silvio J. Pacifico

Reach Reporter Ben Kochman at (718) 742–3394. E-mail him at Follow him on Twitter @benkochman.
Lia Vega, right, and Victoria Arguinzoni with their latest catch.
Silvio J. Pacifico

They’re making the parade rounds: Congressman Jose Serrano (center) joins this summer’s Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parde royalty Jose Figueroa, first prince; Iris Soto, second princess; Queen Vanessa Rosa; junior Queen Samira Falu; Teen Queen Tatian Falu; Bernice “Luna” Torres, first princess; and Edwin “Wrath” Feliciano, second prince.

Silvio J. Pacifico
Earnesto Nunez stops at Teofilo Cascillo’s stand for a quick snack.
Silvio J. Pacifico