Dominican Bar Association announces COVID-19 relief initiative for Bronx residents

Volunteer with box of food for poor. Donation concept.
Photo via Getty Images

The Dominican Bar Association (DBA) announced today it is has  organized a COVID-19 relief initiative targeting low-income NYCHA residents, senior citizens and low-income immigrants in the South Bronx.

The DBA is a nonprofit founded in NYC in the 1990’s made up of legal professionals and law students, which supports Latino members of the legal profession, particularly attorneys and law students of Dominican ancestry.

As part of this COVID-19 relief initiative, the DBA is donating $10,000 worth of groceries to families that have been affected by COVID-19 in the south Bronx. DBA has partnered the Bronx Rising Initiative, Mother’s on the Move and the Mary Mitchell Center to complete the purchasing, packaging and distribution of the groceries.

The DBA COVID-19 relief initiative flyer. Courtesy of DBA

It will be distributing approximately a total of 900 bags of groceries every Tuesday for the next three weeks. The food will be handed out at 950 Union Ave., a NYCHA building for senior citizens with approximately 200 apartments, Honeywell Avenue Apartments, an assisted living facility for low-income and senior citizens with approximately 89 apartments and the Mary Mitchell Citizenship Class comprised of 120 members mostly from low-income background.

This initiative goes hand in hand with the DBA’s 2020 theme Nuestra Comunidad Nuestro Legado. The theme means helping the community, whether it is the legal or nonlegal community,  whenever help is needed.

“This initiative is a perfect way for the DBA to showcase how bar associations and its leaders are raising to the challenges posed by this COVID-19 pandemic, encourage other organizations to engage in similar work and highlight the power of coming together as a community,” said Doralyn De Dios, Dominican Bar Association president.