Edgewater Park Labor Day Weekend Olympics

Edgewater Park Labor Day Weekend Olympics|Edgewater Park Labor Day Weekend Olympics|Edgewater Park Labor Day Weekend Olympics|Edgewater Park Labor Day Weekend Olympics|Edgewater Park Labor Day Weekend Olympics|Edgewater Park Labor Day Weekend Olympics
Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone

Edgewater Park residents celebrating their neighborhood’s annual Labor Day Weekend Olympics by land and sea from Saturday, September 1 to Monday, September 3. Following its Baby Parade, this year’s extravaganza featured several swim races including the 50 Yard Backstroke, 20 Yard Swim, 100 Yard Swim, 30 Yard Swim, 40 Yard Swim, 50 Yard Swim, 50 Yard Tire and Tube Race, 100 Yard Dungaree Clothes Swim, Orange Gathering Contest, Pancaking Flipping Contest, Potato Peeling Contest, relay races, Egg Throwing Contest and Kayak Races for various age groups.

(l-r) Edgewater Athletic Association members Andrew Meys, Jake Kuhl and Nick Reith were ready to go for a swim at Edgewater Park’s Sandy Beach.
Photo by Laura Stone

Girls participating in the 12 to 16-year-old 50 yard Tire and Tube Race enjoyed a relaxing swim.
Photo by Laura Stone

(l-r) Friends Loralei Cullen, Samantha Loebbe, Jade Haney, Kylie Archambault and Amy Bernhard practiced together prior to the races.
Photo by Laura Stone

Brian Devlin (r) sprinted to the finish line at this year’s Boys 7-years-old 50 yard race.
Photo by Laura Stone

Edgewater Athletic Association members spent some quality time under Old Glory.
Photo by Laura Stone