Exclusive: SinXero announces home gallery plans for 2020

Exclusive: SinXero announces home gallery plans for 2020|Exclusive: SinXero announces home gallery plans for 2020|Exclusive: SinXero announces home gallery plans for 2020
Schneps Media/ Alex Mitchell|Schneps Media/ Alex Mitchell|SinXero

One of the east Bronx’s most unique artists is setting up a home studio, open to the public.

Pelham Bay’s John Beltran, better known as SinXero has spent the past few months of the year flipping his garage at 1315 Crosby Avenue into an open gallery called ‘SinXero Contemporary’ using a great deal of local, historical artifacts.

Prior to this new project, SinXero had an artist’s residency at the Huntington Free Library in Westchester Square.

It was there that he acquired many of the historic items which are now part of his new works hanging in the home studio.

SinXero used excess antique wallpaper, archived newspapers, books, cassette players and much more from the library for his newest creations in addition to cornices from the Bronx County Courthouse that date back to the very early 1930s.

He also dug up photo negatives of Bronx planning documents that’s historical value is considered to be almost off the charts.

These glass, rare images range from the original draft of the Highbridge to a proposed overpass of East Tremont Avenue and more will be shown publically in the gallery, illuminated by an accompanying sculpture of vintage light bulbs and a dial phone that came out of Huntington.

Historically inspired artwork in SinXero Contemporary.
Schneps Media/ Alex Mitchell

“I wanted to bring the old and the young together,” he said in regards to his recent creations.

While the space may seem claustrophobic at eight feet high, 17-feet long and nearly nine feet wide, SinXero plans to have up to 20 works, mostly containing these historical elements on display upon the gallery’s completion.

“I haven’t seen any other artists do this,” he said excitedly about the new project.

“If you have the means, you should open something to the public to give back,” the artist continued mentioning that the gallery should open in early 2020.

SinXero is also planning a Bronx solo show along with Cusp NYC, who represents him on the reputable art site, Artsy.com.

Learn more about all of his projects at sinXero.com.

Artist SinXero pretends to speak on a dial phone from one of his displayed scultpures.