Fordham Road BID Celebrates Fordham Road Fair

Fordham Road BID Celebrates Fordham Road Fair|Fordham Road BID Celebrates Fordham Road Fair|Fordham Road BID Celebrates Fordham Road Fair|Fordham Road BID Celebrates Fordham Road Fair|Fordham Road BID Celebrates Fordham Road Fair|Fordham Road BID Celebrates Fordham Road Fair
Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin

The streets of Fordham were alive with music and fun!

The Dou from Boston IAMProd with Sugar Hill Gang’s Henry ‘Hen Dogg’ Williams (2nd from r).
Photo by Miriam Quin

The Fordham Road Business Improvement District celebrated its Fordham Road Fair on Saturday, September 30 at East Fordham Road and Creston Avenue.

A representative from Councilman Ritchie Torres’ office presented the Sugar Hill Gang with a proclamation.
Photo by Miriam Quin

The fun-filled community extravaganza featured live musical performances by hip hop legends Grandmaster Caz, Melle Mel and Sugarhill Gang; fresh produce samplings; an inflatable rockwall and dance routines.

A cheerful harlequin turned frowns upside down at the fair.
Photo by Miriam Quin

Wilma Alonso, FRBID executive director, with Sugarhill Gang’s Henry ‘Hen Dogg’ Williams.
Photo by Miriam Quin

Daniel Bernstein (c), FRBID deputy executive director and Jessica Gordon enjoyed meeting Sugarhill Gang prior to their performance.
Photo by Miriam Quin