Gibson Delivers District Address

Gibson Delivers District Address|Gibson Delivers District Address|Gibson Delivers District Address|Gibson Delivers District Address|Gibson Delivers District Address|Gibson Delivers District Address
Photo by Veronica Feliciano|Photo by Veronica Feliciano|Photo by Veronica Feliciano|Photo by Veronica Feliciano|Photo by Veronica Feliciano|Photo by Veronica Feliciano

Coucilwoman Vanessa Gibson delivered her third State of the District Address on Sunday, March 3 at the Bronx Museum of the Arts.

The address highlighted the various accomplishmnets Gibson has achieved for Council District 16 and expressed her vision and goals for the year to come.

Councilwoman Gibson (r) received congratulations from her proud mother Vanessa.
Photo by Veronica Feliciano

The 46th Precinct Explorers with Councilwoman Gibson and her niece.
Photo by Veronica Feliciano

Gibson (l) enjoyed meeting Precious at this year’s ceremony.
Photo by Veronica Feliciano

Release The Grip Violence interruptors with Gibson (c) and Rev. Wendy Calderon-Payne (r).
Photo by Veronica Feliciano