Groundswell ‘DOT-Stop DWI’ Mural Dedication

Groundswell ‘DOT-Stop DWI’ Mural Dedication|Groundswell ‘DOT-Stop DWI’ Mural Dedication
Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico

A Thursday, August 27 dedication ceremony for a new Groundswell mural addressing the seriousness and far reaching consequences of driving while intoxicated was held at the South Bronx Food Bazaar Supermarket located at E. 535 170th Street.

(l-r) Suzanne Kuozun, Food Bazaar marketing director; artists Angie Roman, Ashton Agbonienou, Malikah Mahone, Raúl Ayala, Cody Levy, Jochelle Francois with Sharon Polli, Groundswell deputy executive director and Marjorie Marciano, NYC DOT Safety Education Division deputy director.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico