Halloween Movie Night held at St. Francis Xavier School

Halloween Movie Night held at St. Francis Xavier School|Halloween Movie Night held at St. Francis Xavier School
Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto

St. Francis Xavier School held a Halloween Movie Night on Thursday, October 30.

The movie night was held to get all students from the school, grades 4-8, in the holiday spirit on the eve of Halloween.

Reach Reporter Steven Goodstein at (718) 742–3384. E-mail him at sgood‌stein‌@cngl‌ocal.com.
(l-r) Christina Colitto, Taylor Saglimbeni, Baylee O’Donnell, Ryleign O’Donnell and Olivia Musto (being carried) gather for Halloween Movie Night at St. Francis Xavier School.
Photo by Edwin Soto