Locals help clean bikeway by Lehman High School

The Hutch River Greenway committee joined with a group of Bronx residents to clean the bikeway behind Lehman High School on May 2 — making the often-disheveled pathway safe to use for pedal-pushing locals.

“There is a code to keep the ground safe, not dirty. We always leave it clean,” said Ethan, a Boy Scout who came out to help on the beautiful Sunday morning. 

This event was previously canceled due to rain, but the group rescheduled, because, as one of the volunteers said, “there is a need to upkeep the space.”

The clean up was pretty smooth with everyone doing their part to make it safe for bikers — who often complain about branches hitting them in the face while they’re riding on the narrow, congested bikeway which is often plagued from clumps of dirt.

After a hard day’s work, the bike path looked so much better. It’s amazing what a little teamwork can do!

A portion of space that needs to be clearedPhoto by Jewel Webber
Tony Puleo,Ron Zick, Kevin Daloia (Friends of Hutchinson Rivers Greenway) and Charlie JohnsonPhoto by Jewel Webber
Kevin Daloia (Friends of Hutchinson Rivers Greenway) and Marjorie Velazquez( running for New York City Council in district 13)Photo by Jewel Webber
A cleaner bikewayPhoto by Jewel Webber
Kevin Daloia (Friends of Hutchinson Rivers Greenway)in the center with american flag mask with The Boy Scouts and others pose for a photoPhoto by Jewel Webber
Attendees cleaning up of the bikewayPhoto by Jewel Webber
Kevin Daloia (Friends of Hutchinson Rivers Greenway) directs volunteers to work areasPhoto by Jewel Webber
Kevin Daloia (Friends of Hutchinson Rivers Greenway)speaking to volunteers on work aheadPhoto by Jewel Webber