Klein Hosts Children’s Festival

Klein Hosts Children’s Festival|Klein Hosts Children’s Festival|Klein Hosts Children’s Festival
Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto

In celebration of the end of the school year, Senator Jeff Klein hosted a children’s festival on Sunday, June 12 at St. Margaret of Crotona School. Hundreds of Bronx families participated in spin-art and sand-art activities, dancing to pop music, playing inside a bouncy castle and receiving elaborate face painting designs.

(l-r) Olga Palermo, Louis Barcelo, Isabella and Anne Marie Colón had a great time at the festival.
Photo by Edwin Soto

(l-r) Milton Sheppard of NYC Clowns Studios and Klein were impressed by Mikey Bauta’s Batman face paint.
Photo by Edwin Soto