Lehman College Exhibits Gothic Artwork

Lehman College Exhibits Gothic Artwork|Lehman College Exhibits Gothic Artwork|Lehman College Exhibits Gothic Artwork
Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin|Photo by Miriam Quin

Lehman College Art Gallery welcomed the fall season in style with the opening reception of ‘Dark and Stormy Night Gothic Influence in Contemporary Art’ on Wednesday, November 1.

Artist Lina Puerta’s ‘Untitled (Tree and Frame)’ conveyed a beautiful yet gloomy tone.
Photo by Miriam Quin

The exhibit will be on display until Saturday, February 10 at 250 Bedford Park Boulevard W.

Maria Cristina Necula, Leman College Alumni Relations director, was ‘spellbound’ by artist Enrique Gomez’s avian artwork.
Photo by Miriam Quin