Letter: Author’s talk on Earth Day is highly hypocritical

Bacon cheeseburger on a toasted bun
Photo courtesy Getty Images

To the Editor,

As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, Larry Penner must see his name in print and must post an opinion piece on Earth Day. But there is more to Earth Day than what Mr. Penner touches upon.

Good stewardship of the environment is a four-way dance between decreased use of fossil fuels, increased reliance on alternative green energies, recycling and decreasing consumption of factory-farmed meat, poultry and fish. Mr. Penner ignores the environmental degradation caused by factory farming of meat because he loves White Castle hamburgers and he loves cheeseburgers.

I urge my Bronx neighbors to go to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and view the abuse of animals and the environment caused by factory farming.

I am not perfect but I am trying. I have all but eliminated meat for my lunch, and I eat blueberries and oatmeal for breakfast. But more importantly, I don’t write the newspapers urging everyone to be a good steward of the environment as I continue to eat factory-farmed meat. Why not celebrate Earth Day by attempting to eliminate meat from your diet?

Nat Weiner