Letter: City efforts are a waste of time and money

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 10.22.38 PM
Eric Adams outside his Nostrand Avenue campaign office.
Photo Caroline Ourso

To the Editor,

Drip, drip, drip, watch your tax dollars go down the drain. Have you also seen all the “Don’t Let Tax Or Repair Charges Come Between You and Your Property” full page ads in many daily and weekly neighborhood newspapers? It deals with New Yorkers who owe real estate tax, emergency repair or other property-related charges “the City of New York may sell a lien on your property” advertisement. Is this the best way the NYC Departments of Finance and Housing Preservation and Development can spend taxpayers dollars?

Why can’t these two agencies compare their respective lists of people who owe money with those filing city and state tax returns? Surely the technology exists to place a lien on any tax refunds? You could also extend citizens the courtesy of a telephone call, letter or email informing them of their overdue obligations.

What’s next, will City Hall send out city marshals going door to door serving subpoenas?

Will Mayor Eric Adams, City Comptroller Brad Ladner, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, the next New York City Council speaker and City Council class put an end to this waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayers dollars?

Larry Penner