Letter: Congestion pricing is not to blame for MTA-related delays

Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the completion of 72-unit affordable and supportive housing development in the Foxhurst section of the Bronx on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023.
Photo courtesy Mike Groll/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul

To the Editor,

Re: Letter: Hochul on the hook for MTA-related delays

In blaming Gov. Hochul for the failure of congestion pricing to move forward, the author ignores the fact he states only a paragraph later: no incumbent in the state Legislature wishes to push through an unpopular de facto tax increase. Each member of the Legislature will be lobbying for exemptions for his/her own constituent. How is this Hochul’s fault?

I know what I know and I know what I don’t know. I don’t know where the funds came from for previous MTA capital budgets. I do know they didn’t come from congestion pricing. Instead of holding his never ending “wine and cheese” parties over congestion pricing, why doesn’t the author suggest alternative methods for the MTA to raise and/or save money?

Nat Weiner