Letter: Congress needs to pass the INFORM Consumers Act

A joint NYPD and attorney general investigation charges 41 people for stealing millions of dollars in luxury and drug store goods and reselling them on eBay.
Photo courtesy City of New York

To the Editor,

The NYPD, Mayor Eric Adams and the state Attorney General should be applauded for their leadership in taking down one of the most massive organized retail crime rings this city has seen in years. But they can’t do it alone. Federal solutions like H.R. 5502 — the INFORM Consumers Act — could help support their efforts by curbing the proliferation of stolen goods online.

If passed in the broader China competitiveness package currently being negotiated by the U.S. House and Senate, the INFORM Consumers Act would require anyone trying to sell stolen goods online to verify their identity, including their name, tax ID, bank account information and contact information. As Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer has the power to make sure this important and impactful provision makes it into the final version of this larger piece of legislation.

Sen. Schumer has historically been a steady source of support for our law enforcement community and the city it protects. Now, we are counting on him to stand up against organized retail crime and pass the INFORM Consumers Act.

Sammy Ravelo