Letter: Leave Chick-fil-A alone

Chick-fil-A 216 West 125th Street
Two new Chick-fil-A locations are set to open in Marble Hill and Yonkers. Pictured is a Chick-fil-A on 125th Street in Manhattan.
Photo courtesy Jackson Spalding

To the Editor,

This letter is in response to the article “Chick-fil-A locations in Marble Hill, Yonkers are in the works”

When open, they will join dozens of stores in NYC, Long Island, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and New Jersey. These two new stores in New York will provide gainful employment to construction contractors and their employees to build each operation as well as cooks, cashiers and food supply deliverers. This benefits many who reside in high unemployment communities. Some who have benefited are part of the LGBTQ community. Many more open-minded members of the LGBTQ community work or dine there. Chick-fil-A provides a quality product at reasonable prices. Revenues generated by Chick-fil-A at Thruway stops help the State Thruway Authority pay off the $3.9 billion tab for the Mario Cuomo Tappan Zee Bridge.

How disappointing when Chick-fil-A opens a new store, we sometimes see “politically correct” progressive liberal members of the LGBTQ community throwing their lot in with political extremists on the right who use the threat of boycotts to impose their moral values on others. If you don’t like the politics of Chick-fil-A, don’t eat there. Don’t deny the civil liberties of others who might prefer Chick-fil-A. In America, under the free enterprise system, this is called freedom of choice.

Chick-fil-A owners and employees are our neighbors. They work long hours and pay taxes. True tolerance means accepting those with different values than your own. There are plenty of other dining options available if you don’t want to patronize Chick-fil-A.

Larry Penner