Letter: There are no losers in the City Council speaker’s race

Queens Rally and Press Conference in Solidarity with George Floyd and Black Lives
NYC Councilwoman Adrienne Adams delivers remarks one day after the George Floyd verdict.
Photo Gabriele Holtermann
To the Editor,
The four candidates that threw their support behind NYC Councilwoman Adrienne Adams, of Queens, to become the next council speaker, including Councilwoman Diana Ayala, councilmen Keith Powers and Justin Brannan, and Manhattan Borough President and Councilwoman-elect Gale Brewer, have other motivations in dropping out of the race.
Watch for the political quid pro quo should she be elected the next council speaker. All four will share in the spoils of victory. Don’t be surprised when Adams appoints each to the position of either council majority leader or chairperson of one of the more powerful council committees such as Finance, Land Use, Housing and Buildings, Higher Education, Public Safety or Oversight and Investigations. There are also employment opportunities to friends and supporters of each councilperson.
Several hundred positions are available in the speaker’s office and various supplemental staff assigned to council members along with the usual lulus for chairing one of the 38 council committees and funding for future member items. Everyone will get a piece of the pie at the taxpayers’ expense.
Larry Penner