Letter: Time to get rid of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation

Manhattan skyline at dusk
New York City financial district over Hudson River at dusk
photo courtesy Getty Images
To the Editor,
A cat has nine lives and so does the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC). November 2021 will mark the 20th anniversary for this quasi-independent government agency. They were formed in November 2001, following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Its original mission was to plan the reconstruction of lower Manhattan and distribute nearly $10 billion in federal funds to support rebuilding downtown Manhattan. Anyone can clearly see that this mission has been completed.
What are the political motivations for Gov. Kathy Hochul, her predecessor Andrew Cuomo, state Sen. Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio for continuing to allow this agency to remain open?  
Has state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli or City Comptroller Scott Stringer conducted any recent audits of this agency? After 20 years, this agency should have completed its mission years ago. It is time for the LMDC to close its doors and move on. 
Larry Penner