Letter: Velázquez betrayed us with Bruckner vote

stop upzoning 1-1 bruckner foodtown
Carmine Bonanno, right, and two other counter protestors hold signs outside the Super Foodtown parking lot.
Photo Aliya Schneider

To the Editor,

In regard to the Bruckner upzoning, our councilmember betrayed us.

This was never about affordable housing, never about jobs — this was always about greed. This is a low density growth management zone granted to Throggs Neck by former Mayor Mike Bloomberg because the area is overdeveloped. When overdevelopment was brought to his attention he listened and he did the right thing, the responsible thing. Our infrastructure is over burdened. Schools are all at maximum capacity now. The area hospitals cannot handle the volume of medical need now. We are in a flood zone. Our local police department (45th Precinct) is under staffed by 60 police officers. Our fire department faces congested streets when they respond to a call. Parking is a huge issue, because we are so overdeveloped now.

There is no room for more people. Crime in the city is running rampant. Councilmember Marjorie Velázquez said she would support the community when it counted: the vote. She betrayed this entire community. She can never be believed again. She has lost all credibility. We must remember this at voting time.

People running for office should have to prove themselves before getting on the ballot, and we as a community must vet them. We need people with proven life experience to run. Candidates should be older. We need better representation for Throggs Neck, Schuylerville and Pelham Bay. We need to come out and vote in November in huge numbers to affect the change we need. Do you realize we have no city, state or federal representation in our district except for assembly until the next election in November?

Let’s all pray. I caution everyone — do not follow party lines. Know your candidates, ask them the hard questions: “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? Are you a socialist, a progressive, a Marxist?” If the answers are yes,  this is not the candidate for office in your neighborhood or in America. “Who has contributed to your campaign?”

Wake up, don’t be fooled again — don’t let this happen again. There are nine civic associations in our area from Throggs Neck to Morris Park and Allerton. Attend their meetings, talk to the members — they are your neighbors — learn the truth before you vote.

Andrew Chirico