Local teacher and friends organize clean up at Clason Point Park

NY Cosmos supporters clean up Clason Point Park.
Photos by Nicholas alexandrakos

Following millions of dollars in budget cuts from the Parks Department, a local teacher decided to take matters into his own hands.

On Aug. 8, teacher Nicholas Alexandrakos and his friends cleaned up Clason Point Park in Soundview. The teacher said that he felt like the clean up effort was “a necessary act in the face of global pandemic.” 

Alexandrakos said Parks Department employees assisted and appreciated the group’s help. They reported budget cuts and colleagues battling COVID-19 or quarantining due to corona-like symptoms as to why the park’s cleanliness was not up to par.

“New Yorkers need access to NYC Parks now, more than ever,” Alexandrakos said. “No NYC Park should ever look like this.”

See before and after pictures of the clean up effort.