Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Kickoff Rally

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Kickoff Rally|Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Kickoff Rally|Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Kickoff Rally
Photo by Jewel Webber|Photo by Jewel Webber|Photo by Jewel Webber

American Cancer Society hosted its Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Kickoff Rally and Informational Meeting on Tuesday, August 13 at Maestro’s Caterers. The event provided community members the opportunity to learn how to get involved in the Bronx walk slated for Sunday, October 20 at Orchard Beach.

(l-r) Pasquale Fiorelli, Ridgewood Savings Bank customer service; Vanessa Baijnauth, Ridgewood Savings Bank Business Banking Relationship manager and Nitisha Moore, American Cancer Society Communty Development manager of the Bronx.
Photo by Jewel Webber

Cancer survivor Maria Falas celebrated with her grandson Timothy.
Photo by Jewel Webber