MHHC opens COVID-19 vaccine site in west Bronx

Morris Heights Health Center (MHHC) has begun to administer the COVID-19 vaccines and on Jan. 15, opened a COVID-19 Vaccine Unit at 85 West Burnside Avenue.

MHHC repurposed half of the dental unit and created the COVID-19 Vaccine Unit on the first floor. It is open Monday to Friday with some late evenings administering the vaccine until 8 p.m.

People waiting to receive the vaccine

Each person registers, gets the vaccine, goes into a recovery room and then receives a card telling them when to return for the second shot.

“We are excited to be a part of the change”, said Mari Millet, president and CEO of Morris Heights Health Center. “To know people can come to our health centers and get the vaccine from us – they should feel safe, excited and hopeful for a better future.”

People registering for the vaccine.

Millet told the Bronx Times she was quite worried because the facility was expected to run out of the vaccine by Tuesday.

Councilman Fernando Cabrera toured the new site last week.

“I commend and congratulate Morris Heights Health Center for opening this COVID-19 vaccine unit,” Cabrera said. “I’m proud to have this facility in my district, where COVID-19 infection rates are higher than the New York City average.  The most effective defense we have against the spread of COVID-19, saving lives and getting businesses re-opened, is this vaccine.  MHHC’s new unit will help a lot more people get educated about the vaccine and get vaccinated as they become eligible.  There’s no better way to get the word out about the COVID-19 vaccine than to have a trusted community health facility taking direct action.  I encourage everyone to get vaccinated.”

Morris Heights Health Center has been working closely with NYC Department of Health and other community based partners to prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine. Individuals that are considered in phase 1b can now get vaccinated in any of its eight health center locations.

People in the recovery room

As of Jan. 12, the following can get vaccinated:

  • Individuals age 65 and older
  • First responders
  • School staff
  • Childcare providers
  • Transit employees
  • Grocery store workers
  • Individuals living in homeless shelters