MP Kiwanis, VMA Students Distribute Thanksgiving Dinner

MP Kiwanis, VMA Students Distribute Thanksgiving Dinner|MP Kiwanis, VMA Students Distribute Thanksgiving Dinner|MP Kiwanis, VMA Students Distribute Thanksgiving Dinner
Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto

The Morris Park Kiwanis and Villa Maria Academy’s Axel Project students distributed free Thanksgiving meals to the Morris Park community on Saturday, November 19.

Warren Golden, Morris Park Kiwanis vice president, Tony Sassone, Westchester Village Kiwanis life member and voluteers lent Bronx families in need of some Thanksgiving cheer.
Photo by Edwin Soto

Leyla Rodriguez (l) and Melanie Vasquez received their turkey dinner in time for Thanksgiving.
Photo by Edwin Soto