National Latino Peace Officers Association honors Bronx community members at annual gala

Honoree Alyssa Vega Escudero holds her Merrick Financial Scholarship in a photo National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA Bronx Chapter) board members.
Honoree Alyssa Vega Escudero holds her Merrick Financial Scholarship in a photo National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA Bronx Chapter) board members.
Photo Jewel Webber

The National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA Bronx Chapter) held their second Annual Gala on March 15 at the Marina Del Rey, where attendees enjoyed food, music and more.

Four students were honored with scholarships at the event:

  • Alyssa Vega Escudero, the Merrick Financial Scholarship
  • Jason Galvez, the Romano Scholarship
  • Ilianna Nunez, the Louis Molina Scholarship
  • Francis Keneally, the Carmine Palladino Scholarship

Nine other honorees received various awards for their roles in the community:

  • Jose Cruz of Yave Tequila, Community Impact Award
  • Kevin Alicea of Havana Cafe, Community Partner Award
  • Al Eskanazy of CPR Foundation, Philanthropy Award
  • FDNY Deputy Chief of Staff Fabricio Caro, Latino Trailblazer Award
  • Newburgh Commissioner Jose Gomerez, Partnership in Law Enforcement
  • Captain Julieanne Stapleton of NYPD/NOBLE, Rising Star Award
  • Inspector Danielle Raia, Leadership Award
  • NYCDOC Assistant Commissioner Antoinette Cort, Woman of the Year
  • NYPD Police Commissioner Edward Caban, Man of the Year

The Unsung Hero Awards went to  C.O. Damaris Roman, NYC DOC; Det. Efrain Morales Jr., NYPD; and Det. Gilberto Ortiz, NYPD.

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