Op-ed | Officials must demand Hochul call National Guard to move border crossers from Orchard Beach

Construction on a humanitarian relief center for asylum seekers begins on Tuesday, Sept. 27 in Orchard Beach, Bronx.
Construction on a humanitarian relief center for asylum seekers begins on Tuesday, Sept. 27 at Orchard Beach in the Bronx.
Photo Dean Moses
Mayor Eric Adams found $15 million a month to house illegal border crossers in a tent city at Orchard Beach.
have to ask:
• Where is the $15 million a month for homeless Bronxites — some of whom are veterans?
• And for senior housing?
• And for our youth community centers that Van Nest, Morris Park and Pelham Parkway lack?
• And for the library Van Nest lost in 1998 that was never replaced?
• And for middle schools and other infrastructure supporting the new multi-family housing built in Van Nest, West Farms and throughout the Bronx?

Mayor Adams is providing amenities we lack to people who broke
 the law to enter our country. Each of the unvetted single men being moved to Orchard Beach has broken U.S. law by not making their asylum claim at an official border crossing checkpoint. They just sneaked in, and then claimed asylum.
That’s not how it works.
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Richie Torres, councilmembers Oswald Feliz and Marjorie Velázquez, and Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson: I call upon you all to stand with community leaders in the east Bronx to oppose this unwanted tent city at Orchard Beach.
Our elected officials must demand that Gov. Kathy Hochul call in the National Guard to move these illegal border crossers to a military facility elsewhere in the state — just like the governor of Massachusetts did for Martha’s Vineyard. I will fight this latest assault on our quality of life as hard as I can. Every time we turn around, there’s another threat to the safety and stability of east Bronx communities.

It has to stop.
Bernadette Ferrara is the president of the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance and is a member of Community Board 11 in the Bronx.