Palma Honored At Seniors Connected Meeting

Palma Honored At Seniors Connected Meeting|Palma Honored At Seniors Connected Meeting|Palma Honored At Seniors Connected Meeting|Palma Honored At Seniors Connected Meeting
Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto|Photo by Edwin Soto

Outgoing Councilwoman Annabel Palma was honored at Community Board 9’s Seniors Connected meeting on Wednesday, December 20 at Justice Sonia Sotomayor Community Center.

Palma (3rd from l) was formally recognized by (l-r) Justin Lowery; Sharan Fernandez; Linda Brown; Danny Porro; Nicholas Himidian, Jr., CB 9 chairman and Jennifer Lackard.
Photo by Edwin Soto

Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson (l) and deputy inspector Julie Morrill (c), Police Service Area 8 commanding officer presented Palma with a bouquet.
Photo by Edwin Soto