Senator Klein aids stroke victim

Senator Klein aids stroke victim
Photo courtesy of Senator Jeff Klein’s office

Back in December, a Bronx Park East resident suffered a stroke that would become a life-changing event.

Leroy Singleton, 63, of Olinville Avenue, fell behind on his rent, along with other payments while in the hospital rehabbing and faced the very real possibility of being evicted from his home.

While struggling to get back to health the world around him was closing in.

When Senator Jeff Klein learned about Singleton’s struggles he stepped into the picture and secured a deal with the Human Resources Administration to pay his back rent through its ‘One Shot’ program.

In addition, Klein also aided Singleton in applying for and receiving assistance from the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption program, also known as the NYC Rent Freeze Program, which freezes rent for seniors 62 and older who are head-of-household.

Now, thanks to the senator, Singleton is able to live his life stress free, with no worries regarding rent payments and medical costs.

“Senator Klein has been active in my neighborhood for many years,” said Singleton. “I am grateful for his help, as he really cares for the members of the community.”

“He has helped change my living situation for the better and I’m not sure if I would have received this kind of assistance if it weren’t for him,” Singleton added.

“I’m happy that I was able to have a positive effect on this situation and on Leroy, who faced eviction after his hospitalization,” said Klein. “Leroy deserves to live comfortably in his apartment like all seniors in our state.”

“The SCRIE program, which I fought to extend and keep at an income level of $50,000, helps thousands of seniors enjoy their golden years in affordable housing,” he added.

Reach Reporter Steven Goodstein at (718) 260-4599. E-mail him at