TN Post 1456’s Memorial Day Ceremony

TN Post 1456’s Memorial Day Ceremony|TN Post 1456’s Memorial Day Ceremony|TN Post 1456’s Memorial Day Ceremony
Photo by Aracelis Batista|Photo by Aracelis Batista|Photo by Aracelis Batista

Throggs Neck Memorial American Legion Post 1456 honored our nation’s brave men and women who gave all to defend their country at its annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 28. The somber event featured a color guard, a wreath laying ceremony and a 21 gun salute as Bronxites paid their respects.

Throggs Neck Memorial American Legion Post 1456 Ladies Auxiliary at the war memorial.
Photo by Aracelis Batista

Theodore Korony American Legion Post 253 Commander Guy Richardson (c) joined his fellow veterans at the time honored Memorial Day ceremony.
Photo by Aracelis Batista