Torres, NYBG Hold Senior Appreciation Day

Torres, NYBG Hold Senior Appreciation Day|Torres, NYBG Hold Senior Appreciation Day
Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico

Councilman Ritchie Torres and the New York Botanical Garden hosted a Senior Appreciation Day honoring influential elders residing in the 15th Council District on Tuesday, April 10.

This year’s honorees included Sallie Smith, BronxWork Senior Center volunteer and community advocate; Anita Molina, Forget Me Nots president and community organizer; Arlene Drayton, Community Board 11 Parks Committee chairwoman and Parkside Houses secretary; Ramona Santana, Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition housing organizer and community leader and Sheryl Williams, long serving NYC Administration for Children’s Services employee.

Sheryl Williams graciously accepted her proclamation from Torres.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico