Zoodohos Peghe’s PB Greek Festival

Zoodohos Peghe’s PB Greek Festival|Zoodohos Peghe’s PB Greek Festival|Zoodohos Peghe’s PB Greek Festival
Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone|Photo by Laura Stone

Bronxites enjoyed celebrating Greek culture at the time honored Pelham Bay Greek Festival from Wednesday, June 14 to Sunday, June 18 at the Greek American Institute.

Roseal Duran dined on some loukoumades.
Photo by Laura Stone

The affair featured authentic Greek food and homemade Greek pastries; traditional Greek dancing by the Greek American Institute students and Greek music; an outdoor and indoor marketplace full of vendors, a flea market and carnival rides and games for everyone’s amusement.

Savory souvlaki and gyros were prepared during the festival.
Photo by Laura Stone